Hi there, if you have reached this page, you probably have some great stories to pitch. Great, we welcome that!

Just email them to [email protected], with the full text pasted in the email body because our editors are a tad lazy. If you have got images, attach them too because some of our readers are here for the pictures more than the news. And please remember that we are an IT/telecoms/media news and analysis site and while almost all economic sectors are dependent on IT and connectivity and content, please ...oh please don't send us stuff that has got nothing to do with technology because we are all on cheap email service plans with limited inbox capacity.

Anyway, in case you are wondering, we cover all major regions and they go by this order (by readership):

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific (includes Australia and NZ)
  • Latin America
  • Africa

Our editors are in California, New York, Lancaster, Berlin, Singapore and Johannesburg. And there's one who is a nomad.

Finally, please don't forget to request our latest Media Kit. We have got some great statistics you may want to check out.